The night before I was going to fly out in the morning, I must have stayed up till 1:00am in the morning talking to my friends. I started crying a little because I was a scared of not knowing what to expect and I was going to miss my friends.

So many thoughts running in my head, and my emotions were switching from excitement to nervousness then back to excitement, I was getting emotionally tired.

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5:30am, I woke up, got dressed, called my best friends and my dad said a prayer before we packed up my suitcases and off to the airport we left.

I’m not going to lie, I was nervous. I think we were all trying to keep it together, you know the emotions, no one wanted to cry.

The time felt like it was in slow motion, my heart was beating a hundred beats a minute or at least it felt like that.

Well, it was that time.

It was time to say our goodbyes and give hugs except this time it was different. It didn’t feel like when I went on previous trips or summer camps, it felt like there was an emptiness coming my way.

My mom made sure I knew where all my documents were, my grandmother looked worried holding my hand tight. My little brother kept staring at me to see if I was ok and my dad, well he looked like he was losing his best friend.

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I started to walk towards the security entrance to get in line, my dad gave me a tight hug and he wept, my mom held me, my grandmother gave me a kiss and my little brother hugged and told me I’ll miss you.

That’s it, my eyes started tearing up, my heart beating fast, and I was now in line, every time I looked back, I would see my dad keeping an eye on me, waving and blowing kisses.

I passed security and started walking, I looked back, and I could no longer see them due to the airport morning crowd.

I know my dad and mom were somewhere there, but I kept walking to my gate.

I sat down on a chair at Gate 32, and I got a call from my dad, “You, Ok?

Yes, I’m Ok and here at the gate. I’ll be alright, I replied.

Ok, I love you, let me know when you get to New York or before you jump on your flight to Italy, my dad asked.

Goodbye Dad, I said.

Here it is, the first step towards my big journey to study abroad.

The first step is always the hardest.

Goodbye America, See You in 10 Months.


Zoe Valdez